Sunday, June 14, 2009

Scala MultithreadedTC Port

I haven't posted in quite a while now, but only because I've been working really hard. I asked Doug Lea if I could help him on his upcoming Scala concurrent data structures endeavor, especially on testing and to my surprise he sounded quite happy about the idea. He's going to get started sometime in July, and I figured from now until then would be a great time to get caught up on testing concurrent data structures, and have a nice framework in place before any code actually gets written. To that end, I've decided to port MultithreadedTC to Scala.

The reasons for doing so are quite simple - we can take advantage of Scala's flexible syntax, HOF's, yada yada...I don't think that that needs to be explained yet again. And, I don't think this particular example demonstrates something like, "but here those features are particularly valuable". The resulting code is definitely nicer than the original Java code, and that's simply all.

Over the next few days I'll probably update this post giving more examples. I'll start with one tonight. Also, you can also learn more about how it all works by clicking the link above.

I'll start with an example from the original Java code from the MultithreadedTC source, and I'll try to give a reasonable explanation of what is going on.

1 class MTCTimedOffer extends MultithreadedTestCase {
2 ArrayBlockingQueue<Object&rt; q;
4 @Override public void initialize() {
5 q = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Object>(2);
6 }
8 public void thread1() {
9 try {
10 q.put(new Object());
11 q.put(new Object());
13 freezeClock();
14 assertFalse(q.offer(new Object(), 25, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
15 unfreezeClock();
17 q.offer(new Object(), 2500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
18 fail("should throw exception");
19 } catch (InterruptedException success){ assertTick(1); }
20 }
22 public void thread2() {
23 waitForTick(1);
24 getThread(1).interrupt();
25 }

This code tests the interactions of two threads. The second thread interrupts the first thread (line 24) as its attempting to offer an object to the queue on line 17. One challenge that the library means to solve is - How can we be sure that thread2 calls interrupt at the appropriate time? It does so by maintaining and internal metronome (or clock). The clock ticks forward only when all threads are blocked and at least one thread is waiting for the clock to tick.

On line 23 thread2 waits for the clock to tick. Remember, the clock doesn't tick until all threads are blocked. So when does thread1 become blocked? Well, since the queue can only contain two elements, it becomes blocked on line 14, when it tries to offer a third object. However, in this case, we've frozen the clock, so the clock will not tick, and thread2 will continue to wait.

Finally on line 17 thread1 becomes blocked offering a third object to the queue, and the clock is not frozen. Behind the scenes the framework sees that all threads are blocked, and indeed someone is waiting for the clock to tick (thread2). The clock ticks, and thread2 advances. He then interrupts thread1 using the getThread method. thread1 enters its catch block on line 19, checks to see that the clock has indeed reached 1, and everyone is happy.

Sort of...

There are a few things we can do better. Most importantly, of course - we can get rid of a lot of semicolons! Ok maybe that's not most important, but I really hate semicolons. Here's a more serious list of the deficiencies in the code above (oh and, its really not that bad at all).

  1. The call to getThread is not type safe at all, and break on a refactoring if you decided to rename a thread. How does that work anyway? Answer: the threads are named by the method names. On line 8 we have "public void thread1" and so we have a thread named thread1. This was originally done for a good reason - creating threads in Java is very verbose. This cleans that up a lot, at the minor price of some type safety.
  2. When we freeze the clock we could easily forget to unfreeze it, leading to quite a bit of headache.

There are more, and I will address them here, but let us focus on those two for now. I'll give the Scala equivalent first, then explain how I've addressed those issues.

1 class MTCTimedOffer extends MultiThreadedSuite {
3 val q = new ArrayBlockingQueue[String](2)
5 val producer = thread{
6 q put "w"
7 q put "x"
9 withClockFrozen {
10 q.offer("y", 25, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) mustBe false
11 }
13 intercept[InterruptedException] {
14 q.offer("z", 2500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
15 }
17 tick mustBe 1
18 }
20 thread{
21 waitForTick(1)
22 producer.interrupt()
23 }

Notice that the code isn't much smaller, 24 vs 26 lines. I'm not touting a giant absurd improvement in any way. However, lets look at the issues above.

  1. On line 5 ( val producer = thread{ ) an actual Thread object is returned, and that thread can be referenced by any of the other threads in the system by name, in an intuitive, type safe way. I do this simply, by having the thread method take a HOF and wrapping that HOF in a Thread. Easy. Notice on line 22 the second thread references the producer thread directly.

    Also, If I don't feel like it, I don't have to assign the thread to a val, and I don't have to reference it anywhere. The Thread created in line 20 isn't really needed by anyone else, so it remains anonymous (behind the scenes it actually gets the name thread2, and can still be gotten using the getThread method seen above).
  2. The second issue was a very simple one where we could forget to unfreeze the clock. Simple is ok, because all these simple fixes added up big in the long run, IMO. This issue is solved by using the withClockFrozen which appears on line 9. This is also a method that takes a function. It then does the work of freezing the clock for you, running the function, then unfreezing the clock. Simple, but effective.

Ok, its really late, and I have to work tomorrow. But, expect this post to be updated regularly in the near future. I'll likely be working with Bill Venners and Eric T. on getting this stuff into ScalaTest and/or Specs, and DL on improving this stuff, and hopefully Bill Pugh, the original author. Any ideas, comments, improvements, etc would be greatly appreciated! I'll have the source code somewhere where people can see it very soon. Bye!

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